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UpStreet Online: May 9


Today we are talking about the Fall of man. Adam and Eve disobeyed what God asked of them and as a result sin entered the world. The enemy tries to attack us with his lies, but God has given us the Belt of Truth so we can protect ourselves from those lies and know the truth!

After UpStreet Online check out a series that we'll be encouraging your child to watch all month long called Micah's Super Vlog. This week Micah is learning all about the Belt of Truth! Check it out here!

(NOTE: You will need to create a Castle account, but it is free! And there some other great faith based resources on there that your child can watch! )

Verse for the month: Put on all of God's armour. Then you can remain strong against the devil's evil plans. Ephesians 6:11



If your kids like Minecraft check out Part 1 of this Armour Of God Edition!


Talk About It:

1) What piece of God's armour can we put on to protect us from lies and know the truth?

2) What can you do when you don't know what the truth is?



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