God has given us His powerful armor! During this 8-week series, kids will learn that when they put on God’s armor each day and rely on His power, they will become everyday heroes who can stand firm against anything that comes their way.
Put On God's Armor" David & Goliath
Every week, we are going to be learning about a piece of the armor of God. To help us on our journey, we are going to be meeting some everyday heroes who will be teaching us some interesting facts! Today, we will be visiting an army base and talking to an everyday hero who tells us what the armor of God means.
Learn how to put on God's armor with this verse!
Everyday Heroes: Military - Adam
Let's Talk:
1. Does God want us to put on His armor every day or only one day?
2. Does God’s armor make us sleepy or strong?
3. David trusted that God would take care of him and did not use the armor.
What did David use instead to fight the giant Goliath?